The 13th World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
DOHaD, a bridge toward the one health
Join us in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in September 2025 for the 13th DOHaD World Congress!
We are excited to announce our upcoming World Congress, scheduled for 7th -10th September 2025, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Stay tuned for the launch of our new website, where you will find detailed information about the event and its offerings.
A Bridge Toward the One Health
The 13th World Congress will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in September 2025. With the theme, "DOHaD, a bridge toward the one health," the organizing committee is excited to facilitate cutting-edge discussions that bridge both DOHaD and One Health concepts, emphasizing their importance in shaping healthy futures.
An engaging cultural program will offer attendees the opportunity to immerse themselves in one of Latin America's most captivating cities, renowned for its enchanting Tango, gorgeous food, memorable wines, and many other treasures. Mark your calendars for what promises to be an unforgettable meeting!
Join us in Hamamatsu, Japan, in 2027!
The 14th World Congress will be organized by DOHaD-Japan at the ACT CITY Hamamatsu, Japan, in the autumn of 2027. Focused on Transgenerational Total Life Healthcare and Developmental Plasticity, this promises to be a significant gathering for professionals and researchers interested in the DOHaD concept. Supported by the Japan National Tourism Organisation (JNTO) and in collaboration with the Hamamatsu and Lake Tourism Bureau, 'Team Japan' is dedicated to ensuring that this Congress becomes a memorable and highly productive occasion.
The focus on the DOHaD concept as a key strategic platform in promoting health and welfare for future generations is highly commendable. The event’s convergence of policymakers, lawmakers, and experts in the field holds the potential to catalyze innovative strategies and policies that positively impact the health and well-being of generations to come.
Japan's distinguished contributions to healthcare and research render it an ideal and prestigious host for this gathering. The ACT CITY Hamamatsu, celebrated for its outstanding facilities, will provide a comfortable and efficient environment for attendees to engage in productive discussions and share their latest research findings.
Congress Awards
The Society bestows two distinguished Awards at every World Congress to two Society Members who have made outstanding contributions to the DOHaD field. Winners of these Awards each deliver a special plenary lecture at the Society’s World Congress. Nominations are held bi-annually in the spring preceding the World Congress, and may be put forward by any DOHaD Member.
Nominations for the 13th World Congress winners will open in 2025.
The David Barker Medal
The David Barker Medal is the Society’s highest honour, and is awarded to a Member who has played an eminent role in the scientific development and shown broad impact in the DOHaD field. These individuals are established scientists (>10 years in an academic appointment) who have spent their careers promoting DOHaD-based research and have made significant advancements in the field. After the Medal is awarded, the winner delivers a plenary lecture at the Society World Congress.
12th World Congress (2022): Professor Peter Nathanielsz, MD, PhD, ScD, FRCOG, University of Wyoming, USA
11th World Congress (2019): Professor Kent Thornburg, PhD, Oregon Health & Sciences University, USA
10th World Congress (2017): Professor Matt Gillman, MD, National Institute of Health, USA
9th World Congress (2015): Professor John Challis, PhD, University of Western Australia, Australia
8th World Congress (2013): Professor Caroline Fall, MBChB, DM, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
7th World Congress (2011): Professor Chittaranjan Yajnik, MD, KEM Hospital Research Centre, India
6th World Congress (2009): Professor Peter Gluckman, MBChB, MMedSc, Dsc, Liggins Institute, New Zealand
5th World Congress (2007): Professor Jeffrey Robinson, University of Adelaide, Australia
The Nick Hales Award
In memory of the late Professor Nick Hales, DOHaD presents this award at each World Congress to a DOHaD Society Member who is a new and emerging researcher that has shown an outstanding contribution to the DOHaD field. Early career researchers and rising stars who are eligible for the award must be within <10 years of their first academic/professional appointment. During the awards ceremony, the winner delivers a plenary lecture at the Society World Congress.
12th World Congress (2022): Emilio Hererra, PhD, Universidad de Chile, Chile
11th World Congress (2019): Gabriella Conti, PhD, University College London, United Kingdom
10th World Congress (2017): Dino Giussani, PhD, Cambridge University, United Kingdom
9th World Congress (2015): Deborah Sloboda, PhD, McMaster University, Canada
8th World Congress (2013): Susan Ozanne, PhD, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
7th World Congress (2011): Rebecca Reynolds, PhD, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
6th World Congress (2009): Robert Waterland, PhD, Baylor College of Medicine, USA
5th World Congress (2007): Karen Lillycrop, PhD, University of Southampton, United Kingdom, and Mark Vickers, PhD, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Travel Awards
The DOHaD Society offers travel awards (up to £500) to support travel for Trainee/ECR Members and Members in Low- and Middle-Income countries to attend the World Congresses. Applications for these awards are included as a part of the World Congress’ abstract submission process.
Hosting a future World Congress
Any DOHaD Member may submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to host a future World Congress. Planning for these events begins approximately four years in advance, in accordance with the World Congress Guidebook and the Society’s Sponsorship Guidelines. Successful EOIs will be invited to submit a full application by the Society Executive.